Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Charm in the Movies


“The enchanted day is only enchanted if we ourselves believe anything is possible”
[Mark O’ Brian]

                Anything can be charming, not just Justin Timberlake, but art and character as well. Movies can also be charming, endearing and lovable, in fact, it is what makes movies like The Wizard of Oz still relevant today. Charm is the ultimate x-factor when it comes to movies; you never know if a movie has charm until you see it, but it is clear when a movie has it. You have to keep your mind open, or else you will never truly be charmed and really experience a movie. The first real movie I ever saw was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone a movie that had a strong hold on kids across the world, with the charming and endearing story of Harry and his friends and their wide world of magic. Harry Potter is what got me started on movies in the first place, and it showed me how movies could have a profound impact on people’s lives. The first Harry Potter is by no means a best picture winner for it is silly at times and often does not make any sense, but the sheer charm of the movie is endearing to anyone who has a soul and covers up most of the confusing parts. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is what got me started on movies in the first place, and it showed me how movies could have a profound impact on people’s lives, as it had a profound impact on mine. I must have seen that first Harry Potter about fifty times since I first saw it, and every time I do the magic comes back. Charm is an unquantifiable factor in a movie, but it is what makes going to the movies special.


  1. Great entry Cole, and I also really like this blog. The background and color scheme is so fun and works well together. The idea of reviewing movies and TV shows is awesome also, and I'll definitely want to come here to get info on the newest movies out there!

  2. Awesome entry cole and I loved the quote plus the background that you put on this blog.
